We’re the team behind Porybox (porybox.com) and FlairHQ (hq.porygon.co).
Porybox is an online Pokémon viewer. It helps you organize your Pokémon collection online, see advanced information that is usually hidden in game, and share links to individual Pokémon or boxes to show off. You can also make Pokémon publicly available for download, or download Pokémon that have been made public.
FlairHQ is a tool for managing your trade/hatching references and flair for the /r/pokemontrades and /r/SVExchange communities on Reddit.
/r/pokemontrades is the biggest Pokémon-trading subreddit and the #1 community for trading legitimate, uncloned Pokémon. If you don’t like hacks and clones, /r/pokemontrades is the place to go: check out the /r/pokemontrades quickstart guide to get started!
r/SVExchange is its sister subreddit dedicated to shiny hatching, where people collaborate to hatch shiny Pokémon. To learn more, check out the /r/SVExchange quickstart guide.